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Personalized care


Viewed from a holistic perspective, health is an act of care and love towards oneself, the expression of a deep relationship between the mind and body in which symptoms can be considered an opportunity to listen to all the signals our body is sending us.

This results in the need to consider each person in their entirety together with their lifestyle, through a thorough investigation in which habits also have meaning and therefore must be taken into account. The 360-degree individualized care method investigates the causes in order to provide comprehensive treatment for each person which resolves the issue, following an integrated approach.




Personalized Care

Functional nutrition

Choosing foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, "good" fatty acids and low glycemic index carbohydrates is a key intervention to promote well-being and can become a medicine for health. Our nutritionists have created food guide plans for major health issues, which are provided free of charge so you can continue your treatment at the dinner table as well.

Adequate physical activity

Movement is indispensable for the proper functioning of our body's systems, which is precisely why it should be personalized according to needs at any one time.

Each disorder has its own peculiarities, which is why our expert offers you personalized advice to meet the different exercise-related needs.


Balancing and functional maintenance of the organism

The supplementation of specific micronutrients and preventive pathways that support the immune system and the balance of the gut microbiota contributes to the maintenance of an overall healthy condition of the body. Health starts in our gut.

Mind-body balance

A basic recommendation in many treatments: in order to lower the level of inflammation and give the body a chance to regenerate and recharge on a physical and emotional level, it is necessary to rest well, to be able to manage stress and to be in control of one's emotions. Many mind-body techniques can be helpful, such as yoga, mindfulness or green therapy.

Anemos: psycHolistic foundation

fondazione anemos

With the awareness that health is an act of care and love for oneself, Prodeco Pharma has established the ANEMOS psycholistic foundation to enhance the contribution brought by psychotherapists as accelerators of the process of restoring the balance of each person as a whole: soul, body and spirit.

Find out more on the foundation's website