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Bibliografia Linea Cystitis


- Elena Meli “Troppi antibiotici (inutili) contro le cistiti. E aumentano le resistenze”,

- Corriere salute.it, 31/10/2017; V. Pizzuti, R. Nucciotti, F. Mengoni, F. Viggiani, F. M. Costantini, “Cistite”, pag. 59, http://www.urologiagrosseto.it

- G. Ionescuet al, “Oral citrus seed extract in atopic eczema: in vitro and in vivo studies on intestinal microflora” Journal of Orthomolecular medicine, 1990;L. Reagoret al, “ The effectiveness of processed grapefruit seed extract as an antibacterial agent: I. an in vitro agar assay”, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2002;J.P. Heggerset al, “ The effectiveness of processed grapefruit seed extract as an antibacterial agent: II. Mechanism of action and in vitro toxicity”, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2002; O.A. Oyelamiet al, “The Effectiveness of Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) Seeds in Treating Urinary Tract Infections” The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2005; A. Sachs, “The authoritative guide to grapefruit seed extract”, 1997

- Capasso, De Pasquale, Grandolini, “Farmacognosia: Botanica, Chimica e farmacologia delle piante officinali”, Ed. Springer, 2011; C. Siegers et al, “ Bacterial deconjugation of Arbutinby Escherichia coli, Phytomedicine10, 2003;EMA, Committeeon Herbal Medicinal Products-HMPC -“Assessmentreport on Arctostaphylosuva-ursi (L.) Spreng., folium” , 2012;Garcia de Arribaet al, “Risk Assessment of Free Hydroquinone Derived from Arctostaphylo sUva-ursifolium Herbal Preparations” International Journal of Toxicology, 2013

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